Coronavirus Vaccine status poll

Moderators: bill, Clive

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Where are you at with vaccinations?

Poll ended at Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:56 pm

1. I've not had any because I don't want them.
No votes
2. I've not had any for medical reasons.
No votes
3. I've had one jab and bugger the rest.
No votes
4. I've had two jabs and waiting for the booster.
No votes
5. I've now had all three jabs.
6. Other
Total votes: 22

Posts: 563
Joined: Fri May 01, 2020 7:51 pm

Coronavirus Vaccine status poll

Post by bill »

A wee poll to get an update on how the esteemed members of the forum are getting on with vaccination.Please remember, you are perfectly welcome to remain annonymous for obvious reasons and also remember that the poll remains annoymous to admin. We don't get to see who votes for what unless you state your reasons.The poll is set to allow re-voting should you need to change your vote and will run for 21 days.
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