Not directly airline related but does impact airline operations going forward.
A new cruise ship, Marella Voyager, will join the fleet in 2023 augmenting the fleet to five larger ships if there are no retrials.
The company has recently launched a €1.1 billion rights issue funded from shareholders to pay down debt. It’s normal for a company share price to reduce after these announcements but it has been a constant downward trend since. Hopefully there will be an upturn again soon.
Larger ships mean more or bigger flights to service them: perhaps a permanent summer based 787? Given Mexico has been added to the green list this may even encourage some winter flights : moreso if the Canaries are choker in TFS/LPA or if the La Palma volcano causes further impact.
Anyone reading this, and previous posts, may think I’m an anti TUI person - I’m not.
Cut into my heart you will find Scottish Mutual andBritannia Airways carved inside. That said I’m a realist. TUI currently is like many other travel companies in a struggle to survive.
I hope they make it and increase their GLA fleet of based aircraft.