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Re: Anthem for Aviation

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:25 pm
by atuk
1-11 your argument has more holes than a loosely knit woolly jumper.

I was in our local supermarket last week, it’s still fairly busy despite online shopping. Yes there is fear of travelling but IATA statistics show the chances of catching Covid on an aircraft is minuscule. I can’t remember the exact stats but was 0.006% for 2.3bn flown worldwide. I myself flew two domestic sectors on EZY plus two international flights with domestic sectors attached without any incident whatsoever. Yes on board service and check in and gates had revised practice but nothing which was insurmountable.

You yourself are creating fear where there really is no need to. I’ll happily have the vaccine plus wear masks, distance and sanitise hands for the next couple of years if it means I can travel to meet relatives, friends and have a holiday. After all sunshine is good for your general health and well-being.

You mention the elderly: most of the elderly no longer work.

The folks I feel really sorry for are those working at the sharp end, day in, day out, those who can’t visit hospitals or care homes, those who serve the public in all aspects of daily life and those who still comply despite this being nearly twelve months in being mis served by many politicians of many different parties.

Re: Anthem for Aviation

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:24 pm
by 1-11
Forgive me atuk, but I think that in your haste to nix my post, you have misread it.

The current behaviour of people out shopping indicates their emotional state. They are visibly fearful.
I am not promoting fear, quite the contrary – read my post again.
I fully agree with what the IATA are saying, and that message needs to get out there. However, that is not what is being pushed by the government. The fear that people have in them now is unlikely to disipate any time soon, despite you and me and the iata preaching otherwise.

We need to get the message out, that getting out into the fresh air, into the sun and enjoying a bit of fun is good for your immune system. This is our real defence against viruses, not hunkering down at home !

I did mention the elderly, what is your point ?

The point that I did raise about the Economy being trashed and that this will have serious repercussions on peoples discressionary spending, appears to be lost on you ?
My arguments are perfectly valid.

Finally, I do not have the least bit of sympathy for those at what you call “the sharp end”.
They at least have their jobs, they at least get out to interact with their work colleagues and they are still bringing in their pay cheque. Sure, they work for it and some no doubt will work hard for it.

The ones that I feel sorry for are families with children stuck in a flat, with one or both breadwinners furloughed or laid off. Those whose livelihoods have been destroyed and those whose children are leading sad, unhappy and lonely lives.
In the aviation sector, think about all those young men and women who spent their young lives training to be a pilot, only to find the only job they can now get is stacking shelves in Tesco.

These are the real casualties of this fiasco.