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Welcome to the Other Aviation section

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 5:02 pm
by Clive
Welcome to new members and all existing members of EGPF Forum.

Please use this section of the forum to post and discuss all news related to airports, airlines, aviation and air travel in general.

Re: Welcome to the Other Aviation section

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 8:22 pm
by atuk
Glad to be back. Hello Clive and everyone else I know.

Re: Welcome to the Other Aviation section

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 11:22 am
by big ears
As an aircrfat enthusiast its good to see that airlines are trying to stage a come back, but as an aircraft user, I'm still not sure. You will all have noticed that videa circulation of the aer lingus flight - choc a block. No masks, no social distancing, all crushed together as normal breathing the same air. Were there any peflight checks? Tests? Will some testing become a tick box esercise and nobody paying the slightest bit of notice about it. I have seen plans to social distance by leaving every other seat vacant. How long will that be viable? What about social distancing between rows no just the next seat? Having been cooped up for 6 weeks I'm not sure I want to be in a metal tube with a bunch of total strangers breathing the same air.
Yes, interesting times ahead. My wife has a compromised immune system due to breast cancer, so I'm not sure we will be flying anywhere soon. Tenerife in January, bought and paid for, is still a big questionmark for us.

Re: Welcome to the Other Aviation section

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 1:35 pm
by Clive
big ears wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 11:22 am As an aircrfat enthusiast its good to see that airlines are trying to stage a come back, but as an aircraft user, I'm still not sure. You will all have noticed that videa circulation of the aer lingus flight - choc a block. No masks, no social distancing, all crushed together as normal breathing the same air. Were there any peflight checks? Tests? Will some testing become a tick box esercise and nobody paying the slightest bit of notice about it. I have seen plans to social distance by leaving every other seat vacant. How long will that be viable? What about social distancing between rows no just the next seat? Having been cooped up for 6 weeks I'm not sure I want to be in a metal tube with a bunch of total strangers breathing the same air.
Yes, interesting times ahead. My wife has a compromised immune system due to breast cancer, so I'm not sure we will be flying anywhere soon. Tenerife in January, bought and paid for, is still a big questionmark for us.
I hope and believe all will be ok before your January holiday. I know it’s hard to picture at the moment though.

Regarding social distancing on planes: the likes of Aer Lingus and BA could sell seats as for an A320 but put on a wide body? Not as economical but neither is limiting numbers on an A320 and at least it complies with the new safety standards. :idea:

Re: Welcome to the Other Aviation section

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 6:17 pm
by bill
Interesting question raised in the previous posts.What would posters consider to be socially acceptable distancing on an aircraft?

Re: Welcome to the Other Aviation section

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:51 pm
by Hialflyer
If the air in the cabin is recircling constantly, does it matter how full the flight is, as no matter where you sit will you not all be breathing the same air anyway.

Re: Welcome to the Other Aviation section

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 12:07 pm
by big ears
Which is the dilema facing all airlines. I listened to the CEO of Loganair yesterday on thge TV. If they disregard social distancing on aircraft I'm afraid a lot of pensioners will just opt not to fly. I'd be interested to know if anybody caught Covid 19 during a flight. But, I guess there's no statistics about that. Aer Lingus will continue to tell the world they are flying normally, as will others I'm sure. The is NO social distancing inside aircraft.