Moderators: bill, Clive

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Joined: Fri May 01, 2020 7:55 pm


Post by Bearsden »

Can I bring to all EGPF Forum members this request from the Editor of Scottish Air News (SCAN) for older photographs, hopefully supported by a bit of background related to the subject . . . . I know there are a lot of 'old' (and I use that word carefully!) SCAN members on this forum with a wealth of historical knowledge and photographic collections (Piper One maybe even has a picture of the duplicator!!)

Scott Jamieson wrote . . . .

I trust the moderators will not mind this post, and that those of you who are not Scottish Air News subscribers will give this your consideration.

With all movements having "fallen off a cliff" and even resident movements/changes at an all time low, Scottish Air News looks as if it will be short of content over the next 4 to 5 months. I have been running an "Archive Corner" slot publishing older photographs (2009 or earlier) which has proved to be a very popular feature. With this in mind I would like to ask any members of EGPF Forum if they have any archive photographs that they feel would fit this bill. Airliners, unusual movements, military are all welcome. Ideally file sizes would be around 1Mbyte and at least 2300 pixels wide, the rest of the sizes etc, we will sort for publication.

This is an ideal opportunity to see your photographs published and makes these items available for any future generations to refer to for historical reference. So please go ahead and send them in, I would be delighted to include you amongst our photographic contributors. I have included below a link to our January issue to let you see first hand the kind of thing we are looking for. Please feel free to contact me ( for more details. And of course if you want join or re-join..... ... nzklaf.pdf
Posts: 694
Joined: Fri May 01, 2020 7:51 pm


Post by bill »

I'm sure there are a fair few members on here who could help with this request?.
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