Storm damage

Moderators: bill, Clive

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Storm damage

Post by bill »

Anyone else suffer damage after Storm Eowyn? I have cladding on the front of the house off, (quite a bit actually) and tiles and the dry verge lining along the front portion of the apex gubbed. Unfortunately for us, we are at the top of a hill facing west and there's nothing in front of us to deflect the wind, so we always bare the brunt of this. Having said that, 90+mph winds are extremely rare even for us. I'm old enough to remember the aftermath of 'storm low Q' in January 1968 but not the storm itself as it was overnight. Storm 'low Q' left utter carnage and I think 8 or 9 dead in Scotland with many more killed in Scandanavia. Hopefully, this is a 'once in a generation' storm, 'cos I've now lived through two. :(
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Re: Storm damage

Post by Clive »

Woken by roof tiles cascading down by 7am. Our garden fence was demolished. Éowyn had a good go at wrecking the big shed I built but I was out like a madman in the height of the storm temporarily boarding up the doors as the wind had ripped them off and was tearing right through the shed. My lovely new Pizza Oven was thrown like confetti but it survived to bake another beauty.

The roof is an insurance job so that could take a while.

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Re: Storm damage

Post by awwdabaaby »

Mainly fence, some still from previous storm that neighbour promised to fix
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